Amor e União

Transforme sua vida amorosa com consultas espirituais e restauração familiar. Caminhos abertos para você.

Transforme sua vida amorosa hoje.

Na Sensitiva Valéria, oferecemos serviços de amarração amorosa, união de casais e restauração familiar, além de consultas espirituais para abrir caminhos e trazer harmonia à sua vida.

A collection of colorful tarot cards is spread out on a wooden surface, featuring intricate artwork and vibrant imagery. A bundle of sage wrapped with string is placed in the foreground, while a blurred crystal sits behind the cards.
A collection of colorful tarot cards is spread out on a wooden surface, featuring intricate artwork and vibrant imagery. A bundle of sage wrapped with string is placed in the foreground, while a blurred crystal sits behind the cards.
Mudou minha vida para melhor!

